Festival Walk > BEYORG | Beyond Organic >
美麗回顧: 我們早前沙田新城市廣場分店在設計上採用了舒適而混搭的材料, 如光滑的玻璃板、暖色調的木材及冰涼沉靜的石材。
美麗回顧: 我們早前沙田新城市廣場分店在設計上採用了舒適而混搭的材料, 如光滑的玻璃板、暖色調的木材及冰涼沉靜的石材。也有經典的傢私擺設散發溫暖的親切感。另外, 我們跟才華洋溢的插畫藝術家 Pauline Yau合作, Pauline在牆上為我們手繪美麗畫作。 Beautiful flashback: our previous design at New Town Plaza Shatin shop was made of a soothing blend of materials - smooth sheet glass, warm wood, cool, quiet stone
#ShopDesign #BEYORG #TurnOrganic #OrganicBeauty #OrganicSkincare 展开
#ShopDesign #BEYORG #TurnOrganic #OrganicBeauty #OrganicSkincare 展开
Published Date:6/28/2019 11:27:15 AM From:Facebook
Click to see the detail information of BEYORG | Beyond Organic at Festival Walk.